Animal Crackers (In Cellophane Boxes) chords

Gene Pitney


Simplify chords 

  			Bb      G#  
One day what did I see 
D#7             C#           Bb  
Animal crackers keep me company 
Someday with nothing to do 
  D#7                   C#          Bb 
I opened up a box and I went to the zoo 
Elephants, kangurus, monkees in a tree 
All lived together in the same old place 
Raindeer, zebra, canaries on a swing 
When everybody?s happy, everybody sings 
Bb  G#       Bb         F 
One day with nothing to do 
  D#7                   C#          Bb 
I opened up a box and I went to the zoo 
Bb  G#  Bb         F 
Someday what did I do 
   D#7                     C#         Bb 
I learned how to live in a cellophane zoo 
Antiloop, buffalo, tiger ??? 
Resembled one another but the ways are not the same 
?? is fury and the camels have a hump 
but why are they so led up without a trunk 
??, orangutans, eagle on the tree 
Look at all the animals looking to be free 
Look at all the animals looking back at me 
I think that I should eat them cause I?m feeling hungry 
by: José Duarte 
[email protected]