Aunt Lisa chords



Simplify chords 

Tuning: D Standard (D G C F A d) 


|-----------5---------------8-7---------------------------------------------| X 3 



|---7-7-7----7-7-7----7-7-7----7-7-7----3--3--3---6--6--6-----------------------| X 2 

|-0--------0--------0--------0----------8--8--8---11-11-11----------------------| X 2 


|-2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---3-3-3---| X 3 


    Bridge, I guess, I don't know 

|-----9---10-7-------9---5---0-----| X 4 

|-----11---12-9-------11---7---0---| X 4 


Verse, then Chorus again, then: 

|-x--x/x\x--x/x/x---x/x-\x----x-x/x/x---x/x-/x---x-/x-\x---------------| X 3 
(This might be played without the higher octave, just do hammer-on/pull-off instead of slides) 


Hey, ho, let's be cheerleaders 









Probably some mistakes in there, but to my knowledge they haven't played it live or  
released a tab book yet, 
so feel free to provide corrections. 


| /   slide up 
| \   slide down 
| h   hammer-on 
| p   pull-off 
| ~   vibrato 
| +   harmonic 
| x   Mute note 
| b   Bend 
| pb  Pre-bend 
| br  Bend release 
| pbr Pre-bend release 
| brb Bend release bend 
