Me and julio down by the school yard chords

Paul Simon


Simplify chords 

Capo: 2st fret

  			Paul Simon  
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard  

(A)Mama Pajama rolled out of bed  
and she ran to the police (D)station  
When the (E)papa found out he began to shout  
and that's what started the investi(A)gation(D)  (A)  

But it's against the (E)law, it was against the (A)law  
What the mama (E)saw, was against the (A)law  

(A)Well the mama looks down and she spit on the ground  
Every time my name gets mentio(D)ned  
And the (E)papa says "Oy, when I get that boy  
I'm gonna stick him in the house of (A)detention(D)!" (A)  

And I'm on my (D)way, I don't know (A)where I'm going  
I'm on my (D)way, takin' my (A)time but I (B)don't know (E)where  
Goodbye to (D)Rosie, Queen of (A)Corona  
See you, (A)me, and (G)Julio (D)down by the (E)school(A)yard  
See you, (A)me, and (G)Julio (D)down by the (E)school(A)yard  

break: D D A A D D A E D D Whistling part  

A{E} E  A G  D  E  A  D  

(A)In a couple of days they come and take me away  
But the press let the story (D)leak  
And when the (E)radical priest come and get me released  
We's all on the cover of (A)Newsweek.(D)  (A)  

And I'm on my (D)way, I don't know (A)where I'm going  
I'm on my (D)way, takin' my (A)time but I (B)don't know (E)where  
Goodbye to (D)Rosie, Queen of (A)Corona   
See you, (A)me, and (G)Julio (D)down by the (E)school(A)yard  
See you, (A)me, and (G)Julio (D)down by the (E)school(A)yard  

(Second Guitar-  play in G