Joy in toy in this place chords

Tim Hughes


Simplify chords 

D  Em7  D/G 
Verse 1: 
 D               D/G 
Dance dance everybody dance 
  Em7               D/G 
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now 
 D             D/G 
Dance dance everybody dance 
   Em7              D/G 
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now Everybody dance now 
 Em7              D/F# 
Amazing grace how sweet the sound 
To save a wretch like me 
  Em7               D/F# 
I once was lost but now am found 
    D/C               A 
Was blind but now I see 
Verse 2: 
Shout shout everybody shout 
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now 
Shout shout everybody shout 
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now 
Artist: Tim Hughes 
Copyright Credits: ©2003 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) All rights reserved. International copyright secured. CCLI song #4182854  
You found it at E-Chords 
Submitted By: David Campbell 
Ontario Canada