The Moon-man Newfie chords

Tom Connors


Simplify chords 

(D)You might think it's (G)goofy 
But the (A7)man in the moon is a (D)Newfie 
And he's sailing on to (G)glory, a(A7)way in the golden (D)dory 
He's sailing on to (G)glory, a(A7)way in the golden (D)dory 
Codfish Dan, from Newfoundland 
He (A)dreamt that he had three (D)wishes 
And he took Mars and all the stars 
And (A)turned them into big (D)fishes 
He said the sky was much too dry 
And he (A)made a wavy (D)motion 
And the moon like a boat began to float 
Up(A)on the starry (D)ocean 
One night he strayed to the Milky Way 
To (A)cast his nets up(D)on it 
He spied the tail of a great big whale 
And he (A)harpooned Halley's (D)Comet 
He never had a pot for the fish that he caught 
So he (A)had to use the Big (D)Dipper 
And the sun, by jove, was a very good stove 
For (A)cooking up smelts and (D)kippers 
Now, the Northern Light that seem so bright 
Like (A)nothing could be (D)grander 
Well, they're just waves of the moon-boat made 
By the (A)Newfoundland com(D)mander 
And don't you sigh and say, "Oh, my 
What (A)gross exagger(D)ation!" 
'Cause he'll tell you the dream was true 
When (A)Codfish Dan a(D)wakens. 
Submitted by:  Dennis Hiebert 
               [email protected] 