Our Father chords

Don Moen


Simplify chords 

  			Intro: E  A  E  A  B  C#m 
Verse 1: 
Hear our pray-er, 
A                   E 
We are your chil-dren 
                 A                B        C#m 
And we’ve ga-thered here to-day  
            A             B           E 
We’ve ga-thered here to pray. 
Hear our cry, 
A                       E 
We need your mer-cy 
       A                        B        C#m 
And we need Your grace to-day 
A           B         E 
Hear us as we pray. 

      B    C#m   A 
Our Fa - ther, Who art in heaven 
E              B         E 
Hal-lowed be thy name 
      B    C#m   A 
Our Fa - ther, hear us from heaven 
E                   B         E 
Forgive our sins we pray. 

Verse 2: 
Hear our song 
        A            E 
As it ri-ses to hea-ven 
                A        B        C#m 
May your glo-ry fill the earth 
            A         B              E 
As the wa-ters cover the sea. 
See our hearts 
            A                E 
And re-move any-thing 
             A           B        C#m 
That is stand-ing in the way 
    A              B          E 
Of coming to you to-day 

(repeat Chorus) 

Though we are few, 
               C#m               A 
We’re sur-round-ed by ma-ny 
                  E                B             E 
Who have crossed the ri-ver be-fore 
And this is the song 
              C#m          A 
We’ll be sing-ing for-e-ver 
E      B        C#m  A       B        C#m 
Ho-ly is the Lord, Ho-ly is the Lord 
A      B        C#m  A       B        C#m 
Ho-ly is the Lord, Ho-ly is the Lord 
A      B        C#m  A       B        C#m 
Holy is the Lord, Holy is the Lord 
A      B        C#m  A       B        E  (C7) 
Holy is the Lord, Holy is the Lord 

(Repeat Verse 1 and Chorus ½ step higher) 
(Repeat Chorus) 

Bb               C          Dm   (F) 
Forgive our sins we pray (2X)