Better By Far chords

Mark Altrogge


Simplify chords 

  			Verse 1: 
Better by far is Your presence 
Better by far is Your Spirit 
Nothing compares 
        D                     E 
To Your love poured out in my heart 
It's better by far 
                   Am        G    C 
        Better by far to be near You 
                G                    D 
        Than be freed from all of my trials 
                  Am           G            C 
        Better by far that You make me like Christ 
                 G            Esus  E 
        Than to give me all I desire 
Verse 2: 
Better by far just to know You 
Than be blessed in all other ways 
Better by far that You work in my life 
To the praise of Your glory and grace 
©1997 PDI Praise (Admin. by Integrity's Praise! Music) 
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. 
You found it at E-Chords 
Submitted By: David Campbell 
Ontario Canada