I Call Him Lord chords

Mark Lowry


Simplify chords 

D                  A7               D               D/F# 
Master, Redeemer, Savior of the world. 

G                     D                 E7                Em  A9 
Wonderful, Counselor, Bright Morning Star. 

D                 A7          D/F#            G 
Lily of the valley, Provider, and Friend, 

               Gm	                     D	                    A	            D 
He was yesterday, He'll be tomorrow, Beginning and End. 

D                  	                              D7  G       D 
But the angel called Him Jesus, born of a virgin. 

D                          F#m Bm    Em  A       D 
Mary called Him Jesus, but I call Him Lord. 

D                       A7      D                       D/F# 
Jehovah, Messiah, Mighty God and King. 

G	              D	                                   E	           Em  A9 
Bread of Life, He is the lasting word of the love that I sing. 

D                                    A7                       D        D/F#  G 
Light in darkness, Door to heaven, my home in the sky, 

        Gm            	D	                     Em	   D 
The Fountain of Living Water that never shall run dry. 

D                  	                              D7 G       D 
But the angel called Him Jesus, born of a virgin. 

D                          F#m Bm    Em  A       D 
Mary called Him Jesus, but I call Him Lord.