Baptized chords



Simplify chords 


all in intro  
(zeros with dot "." are palm muted) 
     . .     .     . . . 

bass verse / refrain or Pre-Chorus 

rhythm refrain or Pre-Chorus 
(all notes are natural harmonic palm muted) 

lead guitar Chorus 
(all dotted is palm muted, and notes with asterisk "*" is natural harmonic) 
  . . . . .   .   . . . . .   . . . . . .        . . . . . 

rhythm guitar Chorus 
(all notes are palm muted) 

bass in Chorus 

Adlib in lead guitar 
( equal sign "=" is wah pedal stepped 
  "<" sign is wah pedal up 
  "trm' is tremolo picking 
  "V" is whammy push down to up 
   "h,p" is hammer-on and pull-off) 
  =   < =                 < =    < =     trmV 

  =   <=   <=   <=   <=   <=   <=   <=  <=        trmV 

Rhythm in Adlib 
("/,\" slidings) 
  . . . . . 

  . . . . .                       ...  . . . 

same with bass 

Adlib 2 in Lead guitar 
  =         < =  <=   <=       <   =       <   =        < 
|----------------------Let ring-------------------------------| 

  =              <         =              <          =    <=   <= 
|----12----------12-----------12----------12-------- trm-------------| 

before bass solo you must play intro in palm muted 

Bass solo (not good) 
|---------Let ring ----------------------| 

Break down 


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you may correct it by commenting below  

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