Bison chords

Wax Mannequin


Simplify chords 


Dm      G       F       Am       

C         Am        
There's a wire near a flame                                          
no one notices but me 
pull towards a tangled leaf 
ain’t my servant or my slave 

wrap you up and catch you high 
with a wormy trapped inside 
may your baby be your bride 
let me run and make me hide 

in a second I will sleep 
only wake me if I weep 
not for any other thing 
though the wires are snapping 


| /   slide up 
| \   slide down 
| H   hammer-on 
| p   pull-off 
| ~   vibrato 
| +   harmonic 
| x   Mute note 
| B   Bend 
| pb  Pre-bend 
| br  Bend release 
| pbr Pre-bend release 
| brb Bend release bend 
